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lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2006

The SANS Institute WebCast

WEBCAST 1Tool Talk Webcast: Enterprise-Strength Log Management SolutionsTuesday, December 05, 2006 at 1:00 PM EST (1800 UTC/GMT)Featuring: Hugh Njemanze & Colin Henderson

Sponsored by: ArcSight New uses for log data and complex compliance requirements are drivingorganizations to capture and analyze larger volumes of log data acrossa wide-range of sources. This means organizations need to collect logsat very high rates and make the appropriate data available throughoutthe organization. Join us to learn how your organization can benefit from ahigh-performance and easily searchable log archive that can store logdata for several years. Also, get insight on how Tyson Foods tackledtheir log management challenge. Attend this Webinar to explore:

* Why proper log management can cut down your IT SLAs * How role-based queries with flexible Boolean logic and regularexpressions can make ad-hoc requests for data painless

* Ways to drill down and drill across log data for rapid root causeanalysis
* Real-life log management use cases for log retention and analysis Hugh Njemanze: A founder of ArcSight, Hugh leads product development,information technology deployment, and product research. BeforeArcSight, Hugh was the CTO of Verity, where he led architectureand product development. He worked previously at Apple in softwareengineering where he was one of the key architects of the Apple DataAccess Language (DAL). Hugh was the co-architect of CL/1 (ConnectivityLanguage One) at Network Innovations, which was acquired by Applein 1988. Prior to that, Hugh co-developed several language compilerproducts at Hewlett-Packard. Colin Henderson is responsible for security log retention and analysisat Tyson Foods. He has been with Tyson since 2004, and previouslyworked at the National Security Agency and Lockheed Martin. He holdsa Masters degree in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins Universityas well as the CISSP certification from ISC2.

WEBCAST 2 Ask the Expert Webcast: Defending the Self-Defending Network withVirtualized Enterprise UTMWednesday, December 06, 2006 at 1:00 PM EST (1800 UTC/GMT)Featuring: Bob Hillery and Christofer Hoff
Sponsored by: Crossbeam Systems Pure network infrastructure is - and always will be - fundamentallyand, unfortunately, at odds with the technology and services designedto protect the information that is transported across it. A Security Service Oriented Architecture (SSOA) can effectivelyaddress the network/security conflict.

By using an Enterprise UnifiedThreat Management (UTM) system overlaid across traditional networktechnology, it becomes possible to eliminate individual securityappliance sprawl and provide best-of-breed security value with maximumcoverage exactly where needed, when needed and at a cost that canbe measured, allocated and applied to most appropriately managerisk. In this session, we will discuss the issues with pure networkinfrastructure, define SSOA and UTM, and give you insight into theideal network security infrastructure. Speaker Bios: Bob Hillery: Bob is an experienced consultant in Information SystemsSecurity Management. He is a founder and Senior Security Analystwith Intelguardians, LLC and has an extensive background in computernetworks gained through the Navy and R&D. Bob has just completed aNational Institute of Justice funded project in cyber attack andforensics tools requirements as a senior researcher at DartmouthCollege. He is a member of the High Tech Crime InvestigatorsAssociation (HTCIA), on the advisory board for DataInquiry, LLC,serving corporate forensics requirements, served as the Vice Presidentof Academic Affairs & Chair of Informations Systems Department forNH Community Technical College. Going beyond the technology, he hassignificant experience with the business and operational aspects ofsecurity incident handling. Bob's professional certifications includeCISSP, GCIA, GSEC, MCSE, and the NSA IAM. Christofer Hoff: Christofer has more than 15 years experiencein enterprise security providing implementation, management andengineering services. Prior to joining Crossbeam Systems, Chrisserved as WesCorp's Chief Information Security Officer and Directorof Enterprise Security Services responsible for WesCorp's EnterpriseSecurity initiatives focused on providing internal business units andcredit union members with rational information security risk managementservices and a consultative approach to information security focusedon adding value and solving business problems.

Prior to WesCorp, Chrisserved as the Chief Security and Technology Officer for a nationalsecurity consulting boutique providing Fortune 500 companies withsecurity implementation, management and engineering consulting servicesworldwide. In addition, Chris formed the managed security services teamfor a global service provider and managed the security and engineeringsupport efforts for several high-technology startups. He holdsseveral security credentials including CISSP, CISA, CISM, IAM and is anaccomplished and accredited instructor in numerous Information Securityand Risk Management disciplines. Chris is active in several securityassociations such as ISC 2, ISACA and the ISSA and sits on the advisorycouncils of numerous security solutions providers and organizations.

Additional FREE SANS Webcasts coming in December 2006 Internet Storm Center: Threat UpdateWednesday, December 13, 2006 at 1:00 PM EST (1800 UTC/GMT)Featuring: Johannes Ullrich

Sponsored by: Core Security WhatWorks Webcast: How to use log management as an early warningsystem: Case study from the US Department of EnergyThursday, December 14, 2006 at 1:00 PM EST (1800 UTC/GMT)Featuring: Alan Paller
Sponsored by: LogLogic

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Don't get lost them

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